Статья "Main Directions of Increasing Efficiency of Foreig..."

Наименование статьиMain Directions of Increasing Efficiency of Foreign Trade Activities of the Fishing Industry of the European North
АннотацияAnalysis of the List of Orders of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has shown that many priority challenges of the fishing industry development, including promotion of fish production with a high degree of processing and its exports have not been solved. Analysis of exports of cod, haddock and saithe from Russia (Murmansk Oblast) and Norway proves that there is a wider range of products from Norway with high added value. The unit cost of the same products from Norway is also significantly higher. The consequence of these factors is the low unit cost of Russian exports, compared to Norwegian. For 2009—2013 the average unit cost of cod is lower by 2.66 US dollars (47.9%), of haddock — by 0.23 US dollars (10.6%). The article estimates foreign currency revenues, which were not fully received due to the reasons mentioned above. The author points out key directions of increase of economic efficiency of Russian exports of cod, haddock and saithe: 1. Change in the access of economic agents to marketable resources by stimulating the obtainment of larger quotas of biological resources at the expense of profit ratio. 2. Establishment of an organization for the export of fish products. The purpose of the organization is to study international markets, to regulate foreign trade activities and perform other functions as set forth above, in accordance with the Russian legislation. 3. Exclusion of intermediaries in the sales of fish products by organizing electronic auctions. 4. Prohibition of using fishery products for the payment of loans obtained from foreign banks. Use of trawlers that are not able to produce products with added value, to provide fish processing enterprises of Russia with fish resources.
Ключевые словаexports of fishery products, Russia (Murmansk Oblast), Norway, comparative effectiveness, establishment of an export council
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Васильев А. М.