Статья "Identification of Characteristic Features of Struc..."

Наименование статьиIdentification of Characteristic Features of Structural Change in the Research and Innovation Process
АннотацияThe paper substantiates and identifies the characteristics and emerging trends of structural change in the research and innovation process in the conditions of formation of post-industrial economy and transition to post-industrial technology. The characteristics and developments concern the structure of the research and innovation process, research and development quality, the role of basic science and high technology, the place of services in research and innovation products, and the spatial context of the structure. The evolution of the concept and content (structure) of the research and innovation process determines the initial trend in the specific features of structural change in the research and innovation process. The authors of the article investigate the dynamics of the main indicators of innovation activity as an integrated result of boosting the efficiency of the research and innovation process, the indicators of development of high-tech industries with special emphasis on nanotechnology and information and communication technology, the indicators of dissemination of post-industrial economic services, in the spatial context as well. The article reveals a tendency towards the implementation of the research and innovation process in the spatial dimension. The authors reveal characteristic features of structural change in the research and innovation process and several emerging shifts in the structure of the process; this helps to outline certain specific requirements to the organizational-economic mechanism, the feasibility of changing institutional conditions and institutions for the purpose of strengthening the promising trends of development of post¬industrial technology and acceleration of innovation development.
Ключевые словаcharacteristics, structural change, research and innovation process, post-industrial technologies, services, spatial context
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Гусаков М. А., Федорова А. В.