Статья "Public-Private Partnership in the System of Region..."

Наименование статьиPublic-Private Partnership in the System of Regional Healthcare Financing
АннотацияHealthcare financing reform in the Russian Federation, besides its positive consequences, has led to the emergence of several major organizational and economic problems that hinder the expansion of financing sources for this sphere, which also involves public-private partnership (PPP). The paper highlights the regional specifics of such healthcare projects compared to similar projects of other spheres of the national economy. The author describes the problems of PPP projects implementation in healthcare; they include the insufficiency of substantiation of public-private partnership application in healthcare, and the absence of typical models for establishment of relations between PPP participants. The paper presents the healthcare priorities put forward by the author; these priorities are based on the theory of the life cycle of a service. The author presents her own model for organizing a regional concession, which is the most common form of pubUc-private partnerehip in healthcare so far. The cluster brings together on a voluntary basis the legally independent organizations that are interested in improving the quality and increasing the accessibility of health services. These can include medical institutions of various forms of ownerehip located in the region, cUnics, facilities, institutions that train healthcare workers, authorities, etc. The author shows that a favorable environment for the formation and implementation of PPP projects can be created under the cluster approach to the organization of healthcare. When establishing the medical cluster, the main task is to organize interaction between aU its subjects in the interest of the overall development of healthcare in the region and the implementation of one’s own interests.
Ключевые словаhealthcare, funding sources, pubUc-private partnerehip, concession, cluster approach
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Молчанова М. Ю.