Статья "Research on Transformation Development of Pig Indu..."

Наименование статьиResearch on Transformation Development of Pig Industry with Environment and Resource Restriction
АннотацияAdequate food and pork products are important to the safety of the world. China is the world’s largest country in pig production and pork consumption. Pig industry plays a significant role in the animal husbandry production of China and has become one of most dynamic pillar industries in agriculture and rural economy at present. ^th the increasing environment and resource restriction, pig breeding is heading to standardized, large-scale and ecological development, which will promote the ecological transformation of pig industry, ensure animal products safety, ecological environment safety and resource safety and improve the comprehensive benefit of animal husbandry.
Ключевые словаproduction and consumption of pork, situation in pig industry, imports and exports of pork, standardized large-scale development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Ли Ч., У Ж.