Статья "Overview of the Russian and Foreign Experience of..."

Наименование статьиOverview of the Russian and Foreign Experience of Agent-Based Modeling of Complex Socio-Economic Systems of the Meso-Level
АннотацияThe paper presents an overview of the agent-oriented models of complex socio-economic systems of the meso-level developed by Russian and foreign scientists. It consideis agent-oriented models of municipalities: cities, urban agglomerations, suburban areas, etc. When choosing models for the review, preference was given to municipal level models that have a detailed description of agents, their behavior and rules of interaction accompanied by a visual diagram of the conceptual model. However, the important criterion was the availability of information about the testing of the constructed model on the actual data for a specific municipality. Foreign experience of application of the agent-oriented approach to the study of socio-economic systems of the meso-level is disclosed on the example of the models of municipalities that are the most interesting and promising from our point of view: these models are models of the virtual economy of the city, the model of interrelated markets for housing and land, the models of expansion of the city area, the models of reducing the city, the model of intra-city migration, the models of intercormected development of creative industries and spatial structure of the city. The author also considers the experience of Russian scientists in this field presented in scientific publications on the current models of socio-economic development of cities and municipal areas. The main agents acting within each model, the environment of their functioning, and the rules of interaction between themselves and with the external environment are described. The author presents conceptual models of interaction between the agents. The paper shows possibilities and examples of practical application of the described agent-based models.
Ключевые словаagent, agent-based model, review, meso-level, municipal formations
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Чекмарева Е. А.