Статья "Municipal-Private Partnership in Education: Infras..."

Наименование статьиMunicipal-Private Partnership in Education: Infrastructural Aspect
АннотацияThe article considers the specifics of implementation of municipal-private partnership proj in the education system of the Russian Federation. The authors use the following research methi document analysis, expert interviews (heads of local authorities, entrepreneurs from the Mosi Oblast). The goal of this article is to study specific features of public-private partnership in educat to carry out comparative analysis of the estimates that the heads of local authorities and the busii community have with regard to these issues, to define the conditions for their effective interaction its limiting factors. Attracting private investment in the development of the education system is lim by a narrow pragmatic focus of the government on the use of financial resources of business in munic administration practice. Judging by the results of studies, the heads of local authorities understand social partnership of business and government as gratuitous help from socially responsible companies who are willing to invest funds in the development of a municipality. The results of the survey of experts show contradictions between the orientation of the heads of local authorities on the implementation of municipal-private partnership projects and the rare practice of their implementation. The article presents an analysis of perspective organizational models for municipal-private partnership in education. The authors identify factors that constrain effective interaction between the business and government in the development of educational system: lack of local budget finances, imperfection of the legislative base, low level of information support provided to municipal-private partnership projects, lack of trust on the part of business representatives in the actions of the authorities, insufficient elaboration of mechanisms for motivating and promoting private investment. The article substantiates the necessity of forming a conceptually new and consistent municipal policy for transition from administrative enforcement of the business to make charitable contributions and gratuitous donation of funds for the infrastructure development of the educational complex to the targeted investment and mutually beneficial cooperation. The authors propose several directions for support of municipal-private partnership mechanisms in education.
Ключевые словаmunicipal-private partnership, social infrastructure, local government, education system, municipal entities
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Фролова Е. В., Рогач О. В.