Статья "Strategic Planning – the Way toward Sustainable De..."

Наименование статьиStrategic Planning – the Way toward Sustainable Development of the Russian Economy
АннотацияThe current ambitious goals in the field of economic development set out within the framework of a new political cycle require new approaches and instruments of economic policy formation. Strategic planning, which, along with the improvement of market mechanisms, is widely implemented in the practice of public administration in many developed countries of the world, becomes a system-forming factor for such a policy. Within the framework of the present paper, we provide a substantial analysis of the place and role of strategic planning in addressing structural and technological modernization issues and in ensuring high dynamics of economic growth in Russia. We assess the content of Federal Law 172 “On strategic planning in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2014. We revealed the main reasons why the law is still not implemented in economic policy. We show that the absence of clear goal setting, strategic development priorities and their resource provision in fact impedes the process of the country’s transition to an innovative development model. On the basis of the analysis, we formulate major directions of further improvement of the strategic planning system in Russia. We define the main outline of the system of strategic planning documents and put forward methodological approaches to their coordination. We focus our attention on the need to integrate a long-term financial and budgetary strategy into the strategic planning process. In the theoretical aspect, the results of our study confirm an important role of the state and strategic planning in the formation of a competitive and dynamic economy. In practical terms, they can be used by public authorities to further improve the efficiency of strategic planning in Russia and revise Federal Law 172.
Ключевые словаstrategic planning, structural modernization, forecast, socio-economic development strategy, state program, indicative plan
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Ленчук Е. Б., Филатов В. И.