Статья "Finding Ways to Significant Life Changes for the B..."

Наименование статьиFinding Ways to Significant Life Changes for the Better: Professional Discourses and Algorithm to Study Ways Preferred by the Population
АннотацияConsidering the problem of finding ways of significant life changes for the better as fundamental, the author focuses on the research subjects. He compares the guidelines of two important discourses: “Where is Russia going?..” and “Modernization of the Russian economy”, as well as the nature of their dialogue with the federal authorities. Using the results of these comparisons and based on summarizing diagnose assessments of the state of the Russian society produced by Russian scientists in 2017, the author proposes a methodology for a qualitatively new content of respondents’ surveys: it is important not to be limited by finding out the opinions about population’s pressing issues, but to identify the population’s preferences about significant life changes for the better. For this purpose, the author proposes an algorithm of successive stages of surveys. Being aware of the complex objectives and debatable proposals, the author considers it appropriate to announce a competition for best proposals to identify significant life changes for the better preferred by the population.
Ключевые словаprofessional discourse community; comparison of discourse on similar problems; unfair problem status, significant life changes for the better (SLCB); algorithm for studying preferred SLCB ways
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Лапин Н. И.