Статья "The Development of Small Innovative Business in th..."

Наименование статьиThe Development of Small Innovative Business in the Industrial, Scientific and Educational Sector in Russia
АннотацияThe successful functioning of the system of transformation of scientific and technical knowledge into a market product largely depends on the level of development of small innovative business. The organization paradigm of small innovative enterprises (SIE) in Russia does not yet correspond to the content of the modern world economy. At the same time, a serious problem is the gap between the proclamation of the need to increase the contribution of SIE to the economy and the actual practice. The relevant issues are the revitalization of the existing enterprises of this type, rather than the creation of new SIEs. To develop the support areas for their formation it is necessary to appropriately diagnose and assess the evolution of SIE in both industrial and research-educational sector of the country. This determines the relevance of the topic and the purpose of the research. During statistics analysis, data of Rosstat and HSE were supplemented with data from the Scientific Research Institute – Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services (SRI FRCEC), as well as data from author surveys. The study reveals that the level of SIE development is insufficient to ensure economic security and does not meet the needs of the current stage of the country’s economic development. It is revealed that in small enterprises, innovative activity along with financial and personnel issues, is hampered by management problems associated with the fact that the management of manufacturing process of innovative products requires a certain competence and the shift of the company’s management resources from current activities. In view of this, the author proposes a model of SIE development management based on the implementation of the project management mechanism in conjunction with “SIE infrastructure”, ensuring the formation of SIE and strengthening its position in the market. We present the results of practical testing of this approach on real research objects, which provided the launch of 33 innovative projects during 2010–2017.
Ключевые словаinnovation, small business, small innovative enterprise, industry, development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Теребова С. В., Борисов В. Н.