Статья "Problems and Prospects of Personnel Support of the..."

Наименование статьиProblems and Prospects of Personnel Support of the Moscow Healthcare System
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the study of the problem of personnel support in the capital’s healthcare. Its research is connected, on the one hand, with the analysis of statistical data on the medical personnel staff in organizations, which allows building (on the basis of theoretical model) the prognosis of availability/absence of staff (according to different indicators). On the other hand, it is connected with the analysis of motivational factors affecting entrance into the profession, long successful professional career, processes of “burnout” and retirement from the profession. In the article, we present the results of the scientific project, conducted in 2019, on studying problems of the quality of the staff in the Moscow’s system of healthcare within the implementation of the current capital standard of providing medical assistance. The usage of statistical, mathematical, and sociological research methods allowed us to identify not only the characteristic features of the available labor resources, but also the prospects of personnel support of Moscow healthcare institutions. The forecast for the development of the personnel potential of Moscow’s medical organizations is based on statistical data for the last 5 years (2014–2018). The prospects of the change of the age and gender structure of employees (doctors and nursing staff), the number of doctors of the most popular specialties in the capital are shown. On the basis of sociological surveys, we reveal the level of satisfaction of medical employees (depending on working experience) with working conditions (salaries in hospitals and clinics and its correspondence with the work performed). We also define main types of doctors and nursing staff’s workload, which act as motivational factors affecting the quality of medical assistance. On the basis of expert opinions, we show material and non-material factors that determine the increase of the personnel potential of the Moscow’s healthcare system.
Ключевые словаhealthcare, working conditions, personnel support, motivations, prospects o.f personnel needs, Moscow
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Ярашева А. В., Александрова О. А., Медведева Е. И., Аликперова Н. В., Крошилин С. В.