Статья "Problem of Forming Expert Groups in Regions with D..."

Наименование статьиProblem of Forming Expert Groups in Regions with Different Levels of Socio-Cultural Development
АннотацияThe relevance of studying the role of expert group formation in the preparation and implementation of national projects is due to the fact that their realization depends not only on the work of the links of the power and management vertical, but on the ability to attract target groups of specialists interested in a common cause. In practice, the authorities attract an inner circle of known people for this role for specific tasks. As a result, there is a problem of adequate selection of experts in decision-making groups. The purpose of the research is to experimentally identify the nature of real expert group formation, used in regional decision-making, and potential (latent) group formation as a resource of population’s social activity. The scientific novelty of the research is related to the attempt to identify expert structures that allow qualitatively realizing national projects and programs for public administration reform in the regions. The basis for experts’ involvement is their membership in various socio-professional groups, and the establishment of evaluation positions in relation to the activities of regulatory and administrative authorities. The authors use an online survey of qualified specialists in four pilot regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. To analyze these data, we use the correlation analysis and construct contingency tables.
Ключевые словаnational projects, real and potential expert group formation, social group formation, regional administration systems, regions’ socio-cultural modernization, online survey of specialists as qualified experts.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Богданов В. С., Почестнев А. А.