Статья "Working Conditions as a Factor of Increasing Its P..."

Наименование статьиWorking Conditions as a Factor of Increasing Its Productivity in Russia’s Regions
АннотацияLabor productivity growth depends on various factors: labor potential quality and its use efficiency, improving management and working conditions at enterprises, updating material and technical base of enterprises and introduction of modern technologies in real economic sector, etc. In the study, we considered the impact on labor productivity of such factors as the loss of working time from industrial injuries. It is closely linked to the health-saving problem of working population, as in Russia, according to the statistics there is a super-mortality of working-age population, caused to a certain extent by unfavorable working conditions. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of working conditions on its productivity and to assess the potential GRP losses from workers’ disability injured at work. The research used economic and statistical methods, grouping methods, and comparison methods. The information base for the analysis was the data of the Federal State Statistics Service and sociological monitoring on the assessment of population’s qualitative characteristics carried out by the FSBIS VolRC RAS in the Vologda Oblast (no. = 1500). The article analyzes the dynamics of labor productivity in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District in 2005–2018, determines the share of the NWFD regions in the district’s total labor productivity, evaluates health impact of employed population on labor productivity both on the basis of sociological data, and by grouping the regions by labor productivity and assessing the level of constant nervous tension, stress, the impact of production factors and other inconveniences of workplaces. The paper calculates the losses of gross regional product from disability time of injured at work. The authors prove that GRP loses from 17 to 26% in the presence of even a small number of disability days of injured at work. The practical significance of the research is to confirm the hypothesis about the influence of working conditions (the basic component of the integral indicator of the quality of working life) on its productivity which gives grounds for developing management decisions to pay special attention to the quality of workplaces.
Ключевые словаlabor productivity, quality of working life, working conditions, employed population, industrial injuries, disability days
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Леонидова Г. В., Ивановская А. Л.