Статья "Institutional Resources to Support and Develop the..."

Наименование статьиInstitutional Resources to Support and Develop the Institution of Student Family: Regional Dimensions
АннотацияThe article continues the set of demographic and sociological studies whose purpose is to analyze the value orientations and institutional resources that influence actors’ marital and reproductive behavior. Theoretical basis of the study is represented by a wide range of works of Russian family scientists, demographers, specialists in the field of family sociology. We continue to develop the concept of a prosperous family within the framework of which we define the concept of “student family”, substantiate the tools for the research and conduct an empirical study. The main objective of the study is based on the data of a questionnaire survey of students. Moreover, it has to determine the relevance of the social policy implemented by the state and universities in relation to the development and support of the institute of student family (on the example of the Republic of Tyva). Data were obtained characterizing students’ ideas about social policy measures in the interests of student families, institutional resources for the support and development of the institute of student family, and students’ awareness of social support measures for young people studying in higher educational institutions. That allowed us to draw conclusions about what kind of assistance can be demanded by student families. We received the answer to the question whether students consider it necessary to support those who get married while studying at a higher educational institution. We systematize the data on the main areas of implementation of marital and reproductive behavior of Tyva students. It is revealed that social support measures will be in demand by student families. This should be taken into account when developing and implementing management decisions aimed at stabilizing the demographic situation in the region.
Ключевые словаdemographic situation, support measures, young family, Republic of Tyva, student family.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Ростовская Т. К., Кучмаева О. В., Васильева Е. Н.