Статья "Calculation of the convexity adjustment to the for..."

Наименование статьиCalculation of the convexity adjustment to the forward rate in the Vasicek model for the forward exotic contracts
АннотацияIn the following article, we consider forward contracts, which are financial instruments used to buy or sell some assets at a certain point moment in the future, and at the fixed price. Such contracts are customizable and traded over-the-counter, unlike futures, which are standardized contracts traded at exchanges. Particularly, we focus on in-arrears interest rate forward contracts (in-arrears FRA). The difference from the vanilla FRA: floating rate is immediately paid after it is fixed. We calculate the convexity adjustment to the forward simple interest rate in the single-factor Vasicek stochastic model for such contracts with different payment dates. With the help of the no-arbitrage market condition it is shown that such adjustments should be non-negative when payments occur before the end of accrual period and should be negative when payments occur after accrual period. We also studied in-arrears forward and option contracts, where fixed interest rate and principal, on which this rate is accrued, are denominated in different currencies (so called quanto in-arrears FRA and quanto in-arrears options). We checked that quanto in-arrears FRA equals in-arrears FRA in case when rates and principal are from the same currency market, and that quanto in-arrears option contract prices are greater than those of vanilla options.
Ключевые словаconvexity adjustment; forward rate agreement (FRA); Vasicek model; no-arbitrage market; in-arrears FRA; iFRA; quanto FRA; LIBOR; MOSPRIME
ЖурналЭкономика и математические методы
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Куликов А. В., Малых Н. О.