Статья "Аnalysis of marginalism. Part 1"

Наименование статьиАnalysis of marginalism. Part 1
Аннотация In addition, the law of diminishing marginal utility is not an axiom, but a special economic law under unbalanced supply and demand. Obviously, these theoretical conclusions are of great significance, which not only make the traditional theory of value a self-consistent logical system, but also complete the new theory of value by absorbing the rational components from both the classical economics based on the labor theory of value and the theory of surplus value, and neoclassical economics based on the law of diminishing marginal utility. In this paper, we will analyze this problem by investigating the origin of the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Ключевые словаnew theory of value, force of labor, labor gravitational force, law of value equilibrium, law of diminishing marginal utility, self-consistency
ЖурналЭкономика и математические методы
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Wu J., Макаров В. Л., Бахтизин А. Р., Wu Z.