Статья "On the Theory of Exhaustible Resources: Ricardo vs..."

Наименование статьиOn the Theory of Exhaustible Resources: Ricardo vs. Hotelling
АннотацияPaper given at a seminar on 11 September 2009 at ISER (Institute of Social and Economic Research) of Osaka University by Heinz D. Kurz. The paper is a slightly revised version of Kurz and Salvadori (2009); ail additions and changes are my responsibility. I should like to thank the participants at the seminar and especially Yoshiyaso Оно for most valuable discussions and useful comments.
Ключевые словаexhaustible natural resources, Hotelling rule, pricekeeping
ЖурналЖурнал экономической теории
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Kurz H. D., Salvadori N.