Статья "Social assistance strategies and poverty alleviati..."

Наименование статьиSocial assistance strategies and poverty alleviation policy in the case of Azerbaijan
АннотацияThis research investigated the social assistance strategies and its impact on poverty reduction through analyzing the Targeted Social Assistance programs and some other living standards in the case of Azerbaijan Republic. The research used World Bank databases in order to get some numerical results. Moreover the cov¬erage of the social programs and the distribution of the benefits also investigated during the suivey. Besides this the inequality measure and income differentiation investigated and reached some numerical results. The research shows that Social Protection system and successfi.il social-economic policy makes remarkable im¬pact on poverty alleviation.
ЖурналЖурнал экономической теории
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Huseynov Н.