Статья "Assessment of population and territory rehabilitat..."

Наименование статьиAssessment of population and territory rehabilitation efficiency regarding radiation exposure
АннотацияThe suggested assessment of rehabilitation measure efficiency is distinguished by the fact that integral risk interpretation is considered, which takes total radiation exposure and reduction of life standards caused by it into account. A rehabilitation measure structure in the context of radiation emergency is given. Classification of direct and mediated consequences of an emergency is given. Optimization of rehabilitation measures is carried out from the position of quality and security of life balancing. Corresponding expenses are compared to the cost of radiation exposure and its social equivalent damage. The role of an efficiency criterion is given to an integral damage minimum.
Ключевые словаradioactive contamination, radiation exposure, direct and mediated consequences, emergency costs, radiation exposure risk, collective dose, integral damage
ЖурналЭкономика региона
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Волобуев П. В., Корякин К. И.