Статья "Estimation of self-healing time for digital system..."

Наименование статьиEstimation of self-healing time for digital systems under transient faults
АннотацияThis paper suggests a new approach to self-healing property prediction for digital systems. Self-healing refers to the system's ability to continue operating properly in the case of the failure of some of its components. This phenomenon is very considerable aspect of high-reliable systems design. The self-healing time characteristics are analyzed during design process, and the computation of probability distribution function of self-healing time needs for fair prediction of real time systems reliability. This paper considers the possible ways of estimation of time to self-healing under transient faults using a Markov model of a design behavior for reliability analysis of digital systems with some fault-tolerant properties, modeled by the well-known Finite State Machine formalism.
Ключевые словаfault-tolerant computer; self-healing fault-tolerance; transient faults; finite state machine; Markov chains
ЖурналИнформатика и ее применения
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Печинкин А. В., Френкель С. Л.