Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2024
Дата выпуска2025-02-12

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-19 из 19 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ilyin Vladimir A.., Morev Mikhail V.“Revolutionary” Words of the Russian President on November 7, 2024 9
2Sapir Jacques.The BRICS Challenge for Global Economy Institutions. The Meaning of the New Development Bank 35
3Suslov Victor I.., Dushenin Alexandr I.., Ershov Yuri S.., Ibragimov Naimdzhon M..Interactions of Regional Economies and Multiplicative Effects (Using the Example of a Two-Zone Input-Output Model of Russia)59
4Arkhangelskii Vladimir N., Zolotareva Olga А.., Kuchmaeva Oksana V..Two Approaches to Assessing the Effectiveness of Demographic Policy (Using the Example of Federal Maternity Capital)77
5Maltsev Andrei A.., Chichilimov Sergey V..Assessing the Resilience of Russia’s Economy to Internal and External Challenges 98
6Rumyantsev Nikita M.., Lukin E. V.Input-Output Modeling of Economic Development in the Region118
7Leonov S. N.Financial Results of the Implementation of Preferential Regimes in Municipalities of the Russian Far East134
8Artamonova Anna S.., Bazueva Elena V..Balanced Development of the Region Based on Promoting Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations152
9Uzyakova Elena S..Informal Employment and Structural Imbalances in the Labor Market167
10Gulin Konstantin A.., Dianov Sergey V.., Alfer'ev Dmitrii A.., Dianov Daniil S..Agent-Based Modeling Methodology for the Development of Territorial Logging Systems184
11Borodkina Olga I.., Sulimova Alina A..Hybrid Organizations in the Non-Governmental Sector of Social Services: A Sociological Analysis204
12 Natsun L..Assessing the Well-Being of Child Population in the Northwestern Federal District218
13Tonkikh Ekaterina V..Assessing the Impact of Migration from Central Asian Countries to Birth Rate in Russia243
14Velikaya Nataliya M.., Irsetskaya Elena A.., Narkhov Dmitry Y.., Narkhova Elena N..Educational Strategies of Students in the Context of Digitalization260
15Didkovskaya Yana V.., Dulina Nadezhda V.., Trynov Dmitrii V..Analysis of Students’ Innovative Behavior Strategies279
16Kosygina K. E., Bakhvalova . M.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society296
17Index of Articles Published in 2024308
18Manuscript Submission Guidelines312
19Subscription Information313