Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2015
Дата выпуска2015-11-16

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Issues of Russia’s Transition to the New Stage of Its Nation-Building9
2Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society20
3Романова О. А., Сиротин Д. В.New Technological Shape of Basic Branches of RF Industrial Regions27
4Гулин К. А.Interregional Cooperation in the Emerging Eurasian Economic Space44
5Морев М. В.Regional Sociological Research Experience54
6Кабанов В. Н.Assessment of the Effectiveness of Public Investment in the Increase in Life Expectancy75
7Фокин В. Я.Classification of Region’s Municipalities by Structure and Level of Incomes and Consumer Spending89
8Гончарова Л. И., Ларичкин Ф. Д., Переин В. Н.Potential of Technogenic Mineral Raw Materials in Russia and the Issues of Its Rational Use104
9Мироненко Н. В.State Regulation of the Regional Agricultural Complex Development: Assessment and Rationalization Issues118
10Верба Ю. С., Иванов И. Н.Sustainable Development and Project Management: Objectives and Integration Results135
11Печенская-Полищук М. А.Research in the Functioning of the Regional Budgetary System147
12Третьякова О. В.Ranking of Scholarly Journals of Economic Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences159
13Чжан И.Case Study of Integration of Economy and Ecology in Jiangxi: an Approach to Regional Sustainable Development173
14Шишкина М. А.Influence of Reproductive Behavior of the Population of the Komi Republic on the Functioning of the Institute of Parenthood182
15Лавриненко П. А., Рыбакова Д. А.Comparative Analysis of Regional Differences in Healthcare, Environment, and Public Health198
16Ласточкина М. А.Scientific Life: Research in Socio-Cultural Modernization of Russian Regions211
17Mikhail Fedorovich Sychev Celebrates His 80th Birthday223