Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2020
Дата выпуска2020-06-06

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Efficiency of the State’s “Manual” Management. Challenges of 20209
2Романова О. А., Пономарева А. О.Industrial Policy: New Realities, Formation and Implementation Issues25
3Губанова Е. С., Москвина О. С.Methodological Aspects of the Assessment of the Investment and Innovation Potential of a Region41
4Базуева Е. В., Радионова М. В.Econometric Assessment of Social Indicators’ Influence on the Regional Economic Growth Dynamics (Case Study of the Subjects of the Volga Federal District)56
5Печенская-Полищук М. А.Instruments and Principles of Reallocating Budgetary Resources in the Region71
6Коломак Е. А., Сумская Т. В.Assessing Federal Transfers’ Role in the Subnational Budget System of the Russian Federation89
7Дианов Д. В., Антонов М. Б., Ригин В. А.Models of Forest Management Institutional Environment Formation at the Regional Level of the Russian Federation106
8Дружинин П. В., Шкиперова Г. Т., Поташева О. В., Зимин Д. А.The Assessment of the Impact of the Economy’s Development on Air Pollution125
9Доброхлеб В. Г., Яковец Т. Ю.Trends and Prospects in Sociodemographic Dynamics of Russia: Philosophical and Economical Approach157
10Мироненков А. А.Hierarchical Pareto Cassification of the Russian Regions by the Population’s Quality of Life Indicators171
11Шафранов-Куцев Г. Ф., Ефимова Г. З.Moral Aspect of Young People’s Subjective Competitiveness186
12Сукнева С. А., Барашкова А. С., Постникова К. Ю.Birth Rate, Number of Children and Family Income: Trends and Relationships201
13Кремин А. Е., Россошанский А. И.Smalng Standards of the Population: Mutual Influence and Management Issues214
14Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society230
15Manuscript Submssion Guidelines239
16Subscription Information243