Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2020
Дата выпуска2020-10-01

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Vote of Confidence for the President is Confirmed. Achievement of Socio-Economic Development Goals before 2024–2030 is Uncertain9
2Шабунова А. А., Ростовская Т. К.On the Necessity to Develop Models of Optimal Conditions for the Formation and Implementation of Demographic Attitudes38
3Макаров В. Л., Бахтизин А. Р., Сушко Е. Д., Агеева А. Ф.COVID-19 Epidemic Modeling – Advantages of an Agent-Based Approach58
4Сухарев О. С., Ворончихина Е. Н.Structural Dynamics of the Economy: Impact of Investment in Old and New Technologies74
5Изотов Д. А.The Effects of Asia-Pacific Countries’ Trade Integration in the Context of Globalization and Regionalization91
6Терентьева М. А.Role of Small Business in Providing Employment in the Russian North108
7Бухвальд Е. М.New Basic Principles of the State Policy in an Area of Local Self-Government Development in Russia125
8Шулепов Е. Б., Задумкин К. А., Щербакова А. А.On Approaches to Constructing a New Public Administration System of Developing Rural Territories of the Russian Federation136
9Потапов А. П.Modeling the Impact of Resource Factors on Agricultural Output154
10Александрова О. А., Аликперова Н. В., Виноградова К. В., Ненахова Ю. С.Conceptual Approaches to Creating the Preconditions for Effective Financial Education of the Russian Population169
11Безнин М. А., Димони Т. М.Collective Capitalist Property in the Institutional Structure of Russia in the 1930s–1980s186
12Леонидова Г. В., Валиахметов Р. М., Баймурзина Г. Р., Бабич Л. В.Problems and Prospects of Distance Learning in the Estimates Provided by Teachers and Schoolchildren’s Parents202
13Беляева Л. А.Generation Y in Russia: Social Stratification, Position in the Labor Market and Problems of Political Socialization220
14Гужавина Т. А.A Russian Man in the Hinterland or Regional Sociology238
15Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society242
16Manuscript Submission Guidelines251
17Subscription Information255
18Subscription Information255