Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2021
Дата выпуска2022-01-17

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Trends in Public Opinion Regarding the Effectiveness of Public Administration. Presidential Cycles 2000–20219
2Некипелов А. Д.From a Robinson Crusoe Economy to a Pure Exchange Economy33
3Балацкий Е. В.Polycausal Concept of Social Evolution49
4Кетова К. В., Касаткина Е. В., Вавилова Д. Д.Clustering Russian Federation Regions According to the Level of Socio-Economic Development with the Use of Machine Learning Methods70
5Алферьев Д. А., Кремин А. Е., Родионов Д. Г., Величенкова Д. С.On the Methodology of Checking Integral Estimates of Socio-Economic Objects86
6Машкова А. Л., Дукхи Н., Неволин И. В., Савина О. А.A Forecasting Assessment of the Affordability of a Balanced Diet for Resident of Russian Regions: An Agent-Based Approach107
7Полбицын С. Н.Forming the Strategies for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Rural Entrepreneurial Organizations in Russia126
8Ворошилов Н. В.Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Russia: Status, Problems and Prospects of Development141
9Леонов С. Н.Financial Results of the Local Self-Government Reform. Experience of Far Eastern Regions160
10Смиренникова Е. В., Уханова А. В.Conflicts in Protected Areas within the European Part of the Russian Arctic: Systematization and a Mechanism for Their Resolution176
11Лукьянец А. С., Брагин А. Д.Assessing the Scale and Prospects of the Impact of Climate-Related Risks on Russia’s Socio-Economic Development197
12Бабич Л. В., Головчин М. А., Мироненко Е. С.Smart Competencies as a Tool for the Development of the Information Culture of Society210
13Леньков Р. В., Пацула А. В.Social Forecasting in the Strategic Management of the Development of Higher Education in Russia225
14Базуева Е. В., Артамонова А. С.The Diffusion of Volunteering Abroad and in Russia: Cultural Foundations, Assessment of Barriers, Intensification Technologies240
15Смирнов А. В.The Impact of the Pandemic on Demographic Processes in the Russian Arctic258
16Капогузов Е. А.The Institutional Aspect of German Family Policy: Experience for Russia in the Context of National Projects275
17Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society285