Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2022
Дата выпуска2022-09-13

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.On the Way toward Crossing the Inner Rubicon9
2Тощенко Ж. Т.WHO in Russia Embodies the Struggle for the Preservation of Mankind?32
3Балацкий Е. В.Russia in the Epicenter of Geopolitical Turbulence: Accumulation of Global Contradictions42
4Блохин А. А., Лихачев А. А.The Impact of Institutional Factors on Economic Dynamics in the Regions60
5Шаталова О. М., Касаткина Е. В.Socio-Economic Inequality of Regions in the Russian Federation: Measurement Issues and Long-Term Evaluation74
6Жестянников С. Г.Priorities and Tools for the Transformation of Municipal Governance in the Context of the New Reform of Local Self-Government88
7Печенская-Полищук М. А., Малышев М. К.Financial and Economic Aspects of Export-Import Activity of Russia’s Non-Ferrous Metallurgy for 2013–2020 and Its Further Development Trends102
8Кормишкина Л. А., Кормишкин Е. Д., Иванова И. А., Колосков Д. А.Environmental Investment as a Key Factor in the Formation and Evolvement of an Investment Model for the Growth of the Russian Economy118
9Иванов С. Л., Метляхин А. И.Elaborating a Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Innovation Entrepreneurship on the Development of the Region’s Economy136
10Наумов И. В., Никулина Н. Л.Scenario Modeling and Forecast of the Degree of Depreciation of Fixed Assets at Manufacturing Enterprises in Russia’s Regions155
11Доброхлеб В. Г., Кучмаева О. В., Брагин А. Д., Афзали М.Demographic Dividends: Formation and Use in the CIS and the Baltic Countries172
12Воробьева И. Н., Мехова А. А.Agents of Social Change: Determining Identification Criteria and Designing an Indicator Model189
13Великая Н. М., Новоженина О. П.Environmental Threats as a Factor Promoting Environmental Consciousness209
14Груздева Л.The Age Factor in the Digital Divide: The Edges of Inequality228
15Дементьева И. Н., Шен Фанфу.Online Retail in China and Russia: Current State and Development Prospects242
16Бобков В. А., Бобков К. А., Чащина Т. В.Economy, Standard of Living and Quality of Life in the Region (Reflections on the Dictionary-Reference Book Regional Economics Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)262
17Monitoring of the Public Opinion on the Efficiency of Public Administration280