Статья "Financial and Economic Aspects of Export-Import Ac..."

Наименование статьиFinancial and Economic Aspects of Export-Import Activity of Russia’s Non-Ferrous Metallurgy for 2013–2020 and Its Further Development Trends
АннотацияNon-ferrous metallurgy has a rather high significance for the Russian economy. The industry creates jobs and demand for highly qualified specialists providing a fairly high salary relative to other industries. Non-ferrous metallurgy is not inferior in importance to ferrous metallurgy. The industry’s products act as indispensable components in the production of electronics and household appliances, batteries, lighting systems, machine tools and equipment, jewelry, various kinds of wires and cables, kitchen appliances, plumbing and other household items. Non-ferrous metallurgy assumes a higher price for final products relative to ferrous metallurgy and lower production volumes. The purpose of the research is to analyze the key financial and economic indicators of the development of foreign trade activities of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia, as well as to predict further directions for the development of trade turnover in the prevailing new economic conditions. The object of the study is foreign trade relations arising between the Russian Federation and foreign countries regarding the export and import of non-ferrous metals. We use methods such as structural (weight) and dynamic analysis, comparison, systematization, and forecasting. The information base is statistical data on the export-import activities of Russia’s non-ferrous metallurgy; Russian and foreign literature on the industry development; Rosstat statistics, as well as information from the annual reports of the largest Russian non-ferrous metallurgy corporations PAO RusAL and PAO Nornickel.
Ключевые словаforeign trade, non-ferrous metallurgy, export-import operations, sales markets under sanctions, added value of turnover
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Печенская-Полищук М. А., Малышев М. К.