Статья "Estimation of economic crisis influence on the bas..."

Наименование статьиEstimation of economic crisis influence on the basic branches and prospective projects in the Murmansk region
АннотацияThe global financial crisis influenced national economic systems to a variable extent. The same trends can be observed at the regional level in the Russian Federation. In this article there has been made an attempt of the analysis of the basic system-forming branches in the real sector of the Murmansk area economy in the phase of the increase of the crisis phenomena, the ways of their overcoming are also considered.
Ключевые словаGlobal crisis, economic instability, national and regional systems, analysis, branch regulation, enterprises, regional administration, business and authority
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Леус С. М., Истомин А. В.