Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2009
Дата выпуска2009-12-01

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-12 из 12 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Советов П. М.Anti-crisis influence reverences of the state10
2Леус С. М., Истомин А. В.Estimation of economic crisis influence on the basic branches and prospective projects in the Murmansk region15
3Дороговцев А. П., Заргарян А. М.Strategic management as a factor of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship functioning enhancing24
4Румянцев А. А., Стрельников А. Г.Prospects of small innovative enterprises in academic and higher education institute's science sectors of St.-Petersburg30
5Савельев Ю. В., Мазуровский М. А., Жирнель Е. В.Small business as the basis of municipal economy: problems and support forms (byway of Petrosavodsk example)42
6Задумкин К. А., Подолякин О. В.Goals and assistance to small entrepreneurship50
7Зорина Е. Н.Small forestry business development peculiarities in Komi Republic58
8Барашева Т. И.Small entrepreneurship development prospect in the Murmansk region under state regulation measures activization circumstances64
9Чекмарева Е. А.Entrepreneurial ability assessment of the population70
10Поварова А. И., Гордина О. Н., Ускова Т. В., Черевко А. М.Home construction activity in the region: problems and their solving ways77
11Ахобадзе Д. Т.Economic-organizing mechanisms of strategy priority realization of tourism and recreation development in the North-West of Russia89
12Наймушин В. Г. «Postindustrial» illusions or systemic «neoidustrialization»: modern Russia choice106