Статья "Economic status and social well-being of the North..."

Наименование статьиEconomic status and social well-being of the North-West Russia regions' population amid the economic crisis
АннотацияThe article under consideration observes the results of the integrated public opinion monitoring held by ITSED RAS at the territory of 10 North - West federal district subjects, since 2005. It contains information about socioeconomic status and political moods ofNWFD regions 'population amid the economic crisis. The article presents index analysis which enables to summarize the situation in NWFD and also to make comparative analysis of changes in public mood of NWFD population.
Ключевые словаMonitoring, public opinion, indexes, crisis, social well-being, socioeconomic status of population.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Гулин К. А., Дементьева И. Н.