Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2009
Дата выпуска2010-01-19

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-12 из 12 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Гулин К. А., Дементьева И. Н.Economic status and social well-being of the North-West Russia regions' population amid the economic crisis12
2Гулый И. М., Дороговцев А. П.Modelling of innovation development in machine-building complex22
3Зерщикова Н. И.Regulation of regional industrial development (on the example of the Murmansk region)33
4Грачев В. В., Марков Р. Б.Prospects for bioenergetics40
5Кумзеров В. М.Water strategy of the Russian Federation and problems of water industry in the North-West federal district regions51
6Тихонова Т. В., Попова Е. А.Ecological and economic relations development in the innovation economy62
7Шишкин А. И., Чубиева И. В.Study of living standards of the national municipal district of the Karelia Republic73
8Костылева Л. В., Дубиничев Р. В.Population inequality and its impact on the region's socio-economic development80
9Мустафаев А. А., Спирягин В. И., Мальцева И. С.Reproduction aspects of the agro-industrial complex in the Northern area88
10Сяошань Ч.Agriculture and rural economy in China against the background of financial crisis102
11Селин М. В., Филатова О. Б.Methodological approaches to the creation of prices for educational services during the economy transition to the innovative development way108
12Дрегало А. А., Лукин Ю. Ф., Ульяновский В. И.Regional corruption in business112