Статья "Regional corruption in business"

Наименование статьиRegional corruption in business
АннотацияOn the basis of sociological studies by monitoring the article discloses the corruption indicators in the business field under the conditions of the subsidized region. It is noted that under the conditions of bureaucratization of public relations the corruption becomes a specific social institution, within the framework of which the relationship between business and authority is formed. The business representatives' view on the peculiarities of corruption spread in the Arkhangelsk region is under review.
Ключевые словаCorruption, cause of corruption, political security of business
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Дрегало А. А., Лукин Ю. Ф., Ульяновский В. И.