Статья "Regulation of regional industrial development (on..."

Наименование статьиRegulation of regional industrial development (on the example of the Murmansk region)
АннотацияIn the article the features of the Murmansk region's industrial development from the point of view of the regional regulation are considered. Both negative and positive factors influencing the regional industrial branch of the Murmansk region's economy are revealed. The system of indicators for the characteristic of the industrial complexes' development in the regions of the similar type is generated. The measures of state regulation of the development are considered. The modern condition of the industrial complex of the Murmansk region is presented.
Ключевые словаIndustrial complex, regional policy, state regulation, the Murmansk region
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Зерщикова Н. И.