Статья "Modelling of innovation development in machine-bui..."

Наименование статьиModelling of innovation development in machine-building complex
АннотацияInnovative level research of the Vologda region and its trades were realized at the article. It was displayed the strengths and weaknesses of outcomes the effectiveness ofscientiflc-and-technological development of regional machinery, its recently meaning and trends. It was suggested multiple-factor innovative models, which furthers to growth the share of new and improved production manufactured by machine-building enterprises.
Ключевые словаInnovative development in machine-building branch, multiple-factor regression innovative models
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Гулый И. М., Дороговцев А. П.