Статья "Formation of regional budget in crisis"

Наименование статьиFormation of regional budget in crisis
АннотацияAs is known, in December 2009 Legislative Assembly enacted a law «On Regional Budget for 2010». The budget is formed by the conservative scenario, based on projected economic growth of 2.5%. The analysis of the main financial area of the law, conducted by ITSED RAS, showed that the current year will be a serious test of the regional budget system. The budget deficit of the Vologda region is the highest among the donors regions. It is 28%. Nevertheless, despite the tense situation, the reserves increase revenue and reduce costs in the area are available.
Ключевые словаRegional budget, revenues, expenditures, budget deficits, public debt, fiscal policy
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Поварова А. И.