Статья "New check points of the region’s foreign trade"

Наименование статьиNew check points of the region’s foreign trade
АннотацияThe article considers the problems of the Russian regions’ foreign trade activity, which complicate qualitative transformations in the foreign commerce, are. In many respects these problems are caused by imperfection of the existing mechanism of state regulation. The necessity and the features of the foreign commerce’s regulation in a federative state are shown. The conceptual bases of the mechanism of the foreign commerce regulation at the regional level, which will promote a more full realization of the foreign commerce potential of a territory and transformation of the foreign commerce relations into the effective factor of the regional development, are formulated. The key directions of the foreign commerce policy of a region for the immediate prospects, which realization will allow diversifying export structure and expanding its geography, are proved. The means of regulating influence assisting to the activity’s coordination between the federal and the regional authorities, and to a region’s integration into the world economy’s space are argued. The opportunities of the mentioned means’ use in the Vologda Area are estimated.
Ключевые словаthe Vologda oblast, foreign trade, mechanism of the foreign trade regulation
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Смирнова Т. Г., Губанова Е. С.