Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2011
Дата выпуска2011-05-16

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-15 из 15 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.From the chief editor5
2Петраков Н. Я.Foreword to the monograph «Problems of Market Economy Development»12
3Поварова А. И.The three-year budget: should we wait for stability?14
4Ускова Т. В., Кондаков И. А.Threats to the region’s economic security and the ways to overcome them29
5Калинина А. А., Луканичева В. П., Бурцева И. Г.Assessment and strategy of coal resources development of the Komi Republic42
6Смирнова Т. Г., Губанова Е. С.New check points of the region’s foreign trade51
7Попова Л. А., Бутрим Н. А.Modern standards of reproductive behavior of the population and the objectives of pro-family population policy61
8Михель Е. А., Крутова О. С.Migratory processes as mirrored by the transformations: border regions in Russia74
9Шавель С. А.Public opinion concerning the world financial and economic crisis and its consequences for Belarus84
10Иванов В. А.Significance of the North’s agricultural sector in the food security provision and in the social and economic development of rural areas101
11Курило А. Е.Opportunities for the development of small business in the northern municipalities of the Karelian Republic110
12Котляров И. Д.Outsourcing as a specific form of inter-firm cooperation117
13Тихонова Т. В.Socio-economic estimation of the particularly protected natural territories (by the example of the Komi Republic preserves)124
14Сафонов В. С.Theoretical aspects of application of temporal relational DB to store the social and economic information134
15Чекмарева Е. А.Rising in labour potential: the role of wages140