Статья "Industrial potential of the Murmansk oblast in the..."

Наименование статьиIndustrial potential of the Murmansk oblast in the hydrocarbon resources development of the Arctic shelf
АннотацияThe article deals with the spectrum of the economic questions which concern the effective utilization of the Murmansk Oblast’s industrial potential in the development of the shelf deposits. The article shows a comprehensive analysis of the industrial complex and an objective appraisal of the conditions for the oil and gas industry development in the Murmansk Oblast. The authors have pointed out the formation of organizational and economic mechanisms for utilization of the regional enterprises’ industrial potential in the development of the oil and gas projects as well as other large industrial projects in the Murmansk Oblast.
Ключевые словаOil and gas industry, industrial potential, the Arctic shelf, hydrocarbon resources, oil and gas cluster.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Фадеев А. М., Череповицын А. Е., Ларичкин Ф. Д.