Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2011
Дата выпуска2011-09-23

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-13 из 13 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.From the chief editor5
2Сафонова Ю. А.The nature of large-scale financial and economic crises and latent world management10
3Фадеев А. М., Череповицын А. Е., Ларичкин Ф. Д.Industrial potential of the Murmansk oblast in the hydrocarbon resources development of the Arctic shelf21
4Кондаков И. А.Modernization of the russian economy as the imperative of the country’s prospective innovative development*34
5Медведева Е. И., Крошилин С. В.Electronic education and innovative economy development in Russia47
6Шахотько Л. П.Demographic problems of the Republic of Belarus and their solutions60
7Молчанова Е. В., Базарова Е. Н.Influence of socio-economic factors on the suicide type of behavior71
8Пономаренко Т. В., Ларичкин Ф. Д.The competitive status of the mining company: mechanisms of formation and management82
9Иванов В. А., Пономарева А. С.Methodological foundations of sustainable development of the agricultural sector93
10Дружинин П. В., Шкиперова Г. Т.Estimation of the opportunity of the environmental load’s decrease at the transition to the innovational way of development104
11Полянский А. М.Representation of subjects’ capacities in an architectural model of the information system113
12Барашева Т. И.Small-scale business subjects’ activity intensification as a necessary condition of the regional development122
13Богомолова Л. Л., Такмашева И. В.Actual problems of small business development in the Khantia-Mansia Autonomous Okrug – Ugra131