Статья "Small-scale business subjects’ activity intensific..."

Наименование статьиSmall-scale business subjects’ activity intensification as a necessary condition of the regional development
АннотацияOne of the problematic issues of strengthening the positions of the small-scale and medium-scale entrepreneurship with the purpose of the regional socio-economic systems’ development is the issue of their support and stimulation. The work evaluates the contribution of the small-scale and medium-scale business into the socio-economic processes in the region under the realization of the state support measures. One of the variants for the problem’s solution is the legislation improvement in the fields of taxation and infrastructure support to entrepreneurship. The information base is taken from the Federal statistic service’s statistical data. Statistical and economic analysis’ methods are used for the results’ substantiation.
Ключевые словаSmall-scale and middle-scale business, regional measures for the small-scale business’ support, tax regulation
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Барашева Т. И.