Статья "Fish industry of the Murmansk Oblast in the system..."

Наименование статьиFish industry of the Murmansk Oblast in the system of the regional economic safety
АннотацияThe value of the fish industry of the European North of the Russian Federation in the system of food and economic safety of the region and the country is considered. The structure and the condition of the fishing fleet, fishery economic efficiency, and the potential factors of the development (the raw base, the technical policy, normative legal provisioning) are analyzed. The directions of the increase of the efficiency of the regional fish industry’s functioning are proved.
Ключевые словаEuropean North of the Russian Federation, fish industry, industrial and financial activity, potential factors of development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Васильев А. М.