Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2011
Дата выпуска2011-11-22

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Problems of socio-economic development of Russian territories in the post crisis period5
2Ускова Т. В.At the center of attention – problems of the economy and society modernization19
3Гулин К. А.The problems of socio-economic development of the regions of Russia and China are being discussed28
4Поварова А. И.The influence of the metallurgical corporation owners’ interests on the financial performances of the parent enterprise (in the case of OJSC «Severstal»)31
5Селин В. С.Challenges of heterogeneity and sustainability of economic expanse of the Russian North45
6Румянцев А. А., Козенко А. С.The factors of innovation activity of St. Petersburg industrial enterprises57
7Васильев А. М.Fish industry of the Murmansk Oblast in the system of the regional economic safety68
8Кобылинская Г. В.Financial provision of investment processes in the regions of the North-West federal district77
9Шабунова А. А., Леонидова Г. В.Human capital as an indicator of sustainable development of the territory89
10Бокарева В. Б.Functions of small business in the development of the middle class in Russia102
11Иванова Л. В.The combination of nature protection and neighborhood development: possibility of the model on the Kola peninsular113
12Орешников В. В., Низамутдинов М. М.Working of the development strategies of municipalities on the basis of simulation modeling121
13Маланичева Н. А.Population health of large cities: trends and risks129
14Шестаков С. А.Problems of sustainable development of rural areas in the Vologda Oblast135
15Фесенко Р. С.Recycling as the mechanism of ecological and economic equation of the regional development141
16Ускова Т. В.Actual problems of spatial development149
17Селименков Р. Ю.To the book by M.V. Klinova «State and private capital: from theory to practice of cooperation in European countries»154