Статья "Functions of small business in the development of..."

Наименование статьиFunctions of small business in the development of the middle class in Russia
АннотацияAs international experience shows, small business performs a significant function in the development of middle class. It is therefore necessary to characterize the state of small business in today’s socio-economic system of Russia, to identify the characteristics of small businesses representatives that identify it with the middle class, to determine the function of small businesses in the development of the middle class, to develop measures to support small businesses. The paper uses the methods of content, structural, functional and stratification analysis, presents the results of expert surveys and sociological studies conducted by domestic scientists and also by the author.
Ключевые словаSmall business, middle class, life quality, characteristics of the middle class, characteristic of small business, small business functions
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Бокарева В. Б.