Статья "Socio-economic condition of the regions specializi..."

Наименование статьиSocio-economic condition of the regions specializing in metallurgy: 2011 results
АннотацияIn 2010 ISEDT RAS scientists began their research on the problems of budget allocation sufficiency in the Vologda Oblast, which turned out to be the most vulnerable RF subject regarding the global financial crisis impact on the regional economy, where metallurgical production is the key development factor. The study of the tendencies and scope of crisis consequences determined the need to conduct a comparative analysis of the socio-economic condition in the Vologda Oblast and other RF subjects possessing major typological peculiarities of the regions specializing in metallurgy – the Lipetsk Oblast and the Chelyabinsk Oblast. The results of the analysis conducted in 2010 – 2011 were published by ISEDT RAS*. The problem is being studying by ISEDT RAS this year. The article provides the analysis of the main socio-economic development trends in the regions specializing in metallurgy for 2011. The analysis serves as the basis for assessing the condition of territorial budget systems.
Ключевые словаregional economy, ferrous metallurgy, global financial crisis, financial results, industrial production, population’s living standard
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Поварова А. И.