Статья "Budget crisis of the regions in 2013 – 2015: a thr..."

Наименование статьиBudget crisis of the regions in 2013 – 2015: a threat to Russia’s security
АннотацияThe article continues the series of publications on the issues of budgetary sufficiency of the territories. Judging by the main budget parameters, the 2013 – 2015 period will be a serious challenge to the strength of sub-national budget systems. In the conditions of an acute debt crisis, Russian regions have to take up the bulk of public obligations of the Russian Federation concerning the implementation of the President’s election programmes. Of special concern is the reduction of federal financial support, which creates additional risks for the territorial budgets burdened with loans. However, despite the gravity of the situation, there still exist the reserves for implementing the President’s assignments and stabilizing the country’s budgetary system. The main of them concern the necessity of conducting the state policy in the sphere of business capital exports.
Ключевые словаbudgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, federal budget, national debt, implementation of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, export of capital
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Ильин В. А., Поварова А. И.