Статья "Opportunities and prospects for the emergence of n..."

Наименование статьиOpportunities and prospects for the emergence of new refineries in Russia’s Northern regions
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the study of the issue concerning the improvement of the system of regional oil products supply of Russia’s Northern territories. It considers the key issues of the formation of oil industry, the regional economic branch that is new for the Murmansk Oblast. The research information base consists of analytical and statistical materials of the regional authorities of Russian Northern subjects and of data presented in the electronic media. The paper is addressed to economists, specialists of regional and local authorities, representatives of oil enterprises, and to all those interested in the range of problems of fuel-and-energy development of our country’s North.
Ключевые словаRussia, Northern regions, Murmansk Oblast, oil processing
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Биев А. А., Шпак А. В.