Выпуск № 1

Номер выпуска1
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2014
Дата выпуска2014-03-11

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-19 из 19 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Time factor5
2Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society9
3Минакир П. А.On the key tasks of Russia’s economic development (following the Address of the RF President to the Federal Assembly)18
4Лапин Н. И.On the strategy of integrated modernization22
5Залкинд Л. О., Торопушина Е. Е.Participation of the state in the economic development of Russia’s Arctic: privatization (historical aspect)30
6Леонидова Г. В.Intellectual potential of population: theoretical and methodological framework for research43
7Беркович М. И., Комарова Е. А.Branch analysis in the context of evolutionary development of economic systems59
8Биев А. А., Шпак А. В.Opportunities and prospects for the emergence of new refineries in Russia’s Northern regions67
9Шматков Н. М., Кулясова А. А., Корчагов С. А.Regulatory framework and development perspectives of the mechanism of public participation in the management of Russia’s forests78
10Беляева Л. А.. Regional social capital and multiple modernization in Russia. On defining the problem87
11Мигранова Л. А., Тореев В. Б., Ярашева А. В.Economic behavior: analysis and prospects93
12Попова Л. А.Evaluation of efficiency of the public demographic initiatives101
13Ковригин Б. В., Синицына Т. И.About middle class theory: history and modern times112
14Печенская-Полищук М. А.Budgetary prospects in the region in 2014–2016: implementation of the President’s social decrees or avoidance of default risks?117
15Теребова С. В., Кузьмин И. В.The EU’s Seventh Framework Programme: opportunities for Russian academic institutions130
16Ма Ч.Assessment of Jiangxi regional innovation system construction142
17Киреева А. А.Theoretical and methodological framework establishing the conditions for the development of innovation clusters148
18Садов С. Л.The use of median rank for the comparison of alternatives in the long-term154
19Попов А. В.Assessment of the effectiveness of population’s labor behaviour at the macro-level160