Статья "Assessment of the effectiveness of population’s la..."

Наименование статьиAssessment of the effectiveness of population’s labor behaviour at the macro-level
АннотацияThe article considers the main approaches to the research into the effectiveness of people’s labor behavior. Special attention is paid to the analysis of statistical, social and statistical-sociological methods. The article presents the author’s methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of labor behavior by the spheres of manifestation: in the labor market and in an organization. The research shows a high degree of differentiation by this indicator among the Russian territories. The indicator’s value was the highest in the Ural Federal District (0.588 points) and Central Federal District (0.422 points); it was the lowest in the Siberian (-0.139 points) and North Caucasian (-1.269 points) federal districts. The integrated assessment of the people’s labor behavior effectiveness was conducted, 5 groups of RF regions were allocated according to this criterion depending on the indicator’s value. The results of the analysis show that the territories with the high level of the indicator under consideration include such subjects of the Central Federal District as Moscow and the Moscow Oblast. The majority of RF subjects constitute the group with the level above medium. The medium-level group includes the regions that are part of nearly all the districts (except for the Ural Federal District), including the Vologda Oblast. The low level of labor behavior effectiveness indicates a depressive character of the territories and requires immediate measures for enhancing the search for reserves and increase in the efficiency of formation and use of labor potential.
Ключевые словаlabor behavior, integral index, region, effectiveness of labor behavior
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Попов А. В.