Статья "Prospects for economic cooperation between the Eur..."

Наименование статьиProspects for economic cooperation between the Eurasian and European Unions
АннотацияThe article analyzes the history of European integration, summarizes the negative experience of some previous attempts to form a greater Europe. The authors discuss certain challenges that Eurasian integration throws out to the EU. They define the prospects of economic cooperation between the Eurasian Union and the European Union in the framework of practical implementation of the idea of “integration of integrations”.
Ключевые словаEuropean integration, greater Europe, the idea of “integration of integrations”, challenges of Eurasian integration, Common European Economic Space, economic integration
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Дедков С. М., Щербин В. К.