Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2014
Дата выпуска2014-05-19

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.From the chief editor5
2Ильин В. А.Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society8
3Ильин В. А., Шабунова А. А.Sociological assessment of public administration efficiency14
4Балацкий Е. В.Prerequisites for global geopolitical inversion28
5Романова О. А., Бухвалов Н. Ю.Development of the theoretical platform as a system foundation for industrial policy in the context of new industrialization43
6Ротенберг Р. Б.Strategic regulation of structural transformations in the economy of the single-industry town54
7Дедков С. М., Щербин В. К.Prospects for economic cooperation between the Eurasian and European Unions63
8Иванов В. А.The agricultural sector of the Pechora-Ural North75
9Гузакова О. Л.The influence of external environment factors on the activity of higher educational establishments in the Russian Federation89
10Калашников К. Н., Калачикова О. Н.Accessibility and quality of medical service in the context of health care modernization103
11Мажитова А. Р.Main factors in the formation of socio-cultural identity under the conditions of incomplete modernization (case study of the Republic of Bashkortostan)113
12Чегодаев А. В.Monitoring study of the quality of work with gifted schoolchildren in the Russian Federation regions123
13Никитенко П. Г., Ильянок А. М.Singular technology – the research area promoting sustainable noosphere d evelopment in Belarus, Russia and other CIS nations134
14Антипина Н. И.Organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the region: comparative assessment148
15Лабанаускас Л.Knowledge work and transnational networks in Lithuanian public sector158
16Дружинин П. В., Шкиперова Г. Т.Assessment of mutual influence of economic and ecological processes172
17Галухин А. В.Sustainability as the basic principle of responsible budgetary policy182
18Величкина А. В.The assessment of the regional tourism infrastructure development193