Статья "The influence of external environment factors on t..."

Наименование статьиThe influence of external environment factors on the activity of higher educational establishments in the Russian Federation
АннотацияThe instability of market economy development causes continuous changes in the activity of higher educational establishments. The article deals with the processes, taking place in the system of higher professional education in the Russian Federation in recent decades. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data and normative acts of the Government and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the key global and national trends in higher education are identified: increasing demand for higher education, resulted in its considerable offer (the growth of quantitative indicators is not always accompanied by improvement of higher education quality); reduction in the total number of students due to the demographic situation worsening; transition to a multi-level system of higher education under the Bologna process; change in specialties patterns and directions of training specialists with higher professional education due to the economy structural reforms and labor market needs; aggravation of competition. The tendencies lead to the emergence of demographic, political and economic risks. To reduce negative impact of the external risks to the universities’ activity it is necessary to develop corresponding state educational policy in the sphere of higher education and risk management in universities.
Ключевые словаTrends in higher education development; continuing education, the structure of specialists’ training, external risks, standards of financing, effectiveness of the activity, competition
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Гузакова О. Л.